Fun Dog Show a success!

Fun Dog Show

Fun Dog Show success in Stone Cross

With over 30 dogs coming to Stone Cross to participate in the local dog show on Saturday, 26th October, Teresa’s hard work preparing for it was worth it. The atmosphere was good and friendly, with lots of willing helpers in her family, friends and Canine Concern members.

There were Jacket Potatoes or burgers for people to purchase with tea and coffee and some lovely home made cup cakes. We also had a busy tombola and raffle with lots of prizes donated by local people as well as national companies.

The judging was very difficult as each dog had a unique way of appealing to Val, the judge.

The one that melted her heart most was Bella, the Labrador puppy, who as well as winning the best puppy, also won Best in Show.

She was very well behaved taking the whole day in her stride. She is a real family dog owned by grand parents, daughter and grand daughter, she is pictured with her young owners receiving her Best in Show award.

Thanks to everyone who supported Teresa with physical help as well as donations.